1031 PAC

Who we are:

We are 1031 PAC. A political action committee organized to raise funds to support keeping 1031 exchanges in the tax code.

Why should I contribute?

We need your help to educate legislators that eliminating 1031 exchanges in the tax code is a terrible idea.

For some legislators, a 1031 exchange is only for the wealthy and needs to be eliminated or restricted.

We realize that educating legislators is critical. Our goal is to ensure they understand that 1031 exchanges benefit all real property investors, big and small, and the U.S. economy overall.

A donation to 1031 PAC will allow us to spread our message.

Ready to Contribute?

Click the button below to be taken to our contribution page to pay by credit card.

Click this button for the forms to snail mail a check contribution.

Per FEC rules, this PAC may only accept a maximum of $5,000 per individual per year. This PAC may only accept donations from individuals. We cannot accept donations from companies or organizations.